Monday, July 27, 2009

I hate work email...

Ok I am at home checking my work email....I do not know why I am always shocked at the stupid things my Party Planner will promise a client. They want a plated dinner for 200...hmmm what part of no parties larger than 120 did they not understand...So I do not know just how bad this is just yet,,for all I know they are offering a 6 course dinner with 4 kinds of main dish as an option...Fuck me..This would be fine but I will be plating this from a hot box and 3 8 foot folding tables behind a portable curtain...I hate this part as my tounge is always sore from biting it trying not to swear.
I really hate emails because they so vague..Last week I lost my shit all over a party planner..She is so stupid..ok she is young but so what..She acually told me the client thinks my menus are too WHITE...What the Fuck!!! This might have been funny in person but to email me this is humourless and insulting...Any way, I did create a menu for a Pakistani wedding.. Why could she not have asked me to make a Pakistani inspired menu...I love the challenge..insulting me does not inspire me. OK enough ranting here...
OK I have shut down my work email window..time to think happy thoughts...tonight's dinner, I am kinda scared for my bank account today..I am going shopping! I have to go to the book store..always dangerous in the cook book section...I have to go to the computer store..I always get hung up on anything for my ipod...and then grocery shopping...Going to my fav place to shop...very dangerous as the have the biggest selection of condiments from all over the world..ok..I may not always have food in the fridge but I do have great and they have the best grass fed organic bison..yumm I am thinking about a nice heirloom baby tomato salad with a crisp balsamic reduction....I also have to get the beasts some cat food...nothing like being woken up by being chewed on because they have no food. I am sure I will be that crazy cat lady that dies and is eaten by her cats lol

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